Aquadulce Claudia - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Best Seller! The hardiest of all broad beans, this is the best variety for planting in late autumn to grow through winter, producing crops a whole month earlier than spring-sown...
Regular price £399 £3.99
The Sutton - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Best Green Seeded Variety for Containers! Broad Bean The Sutton is a gardeners old favourite variety as it is reliable and produces plenty of pods filled with 5-6 lovely nutty...
Regular price £250 £2.50
Witkiem Manita - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Best for Late Sowing! An ideal rescue plant if you’ve forgotten to sow your broad beans, can be planted a s late as May! These also overwinter very well. The...
Regular price £275 £2.75
Bunyard's Exhibition - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
'Bunyard's Exhibition' broad beans are a favourite of chefs worldwide because of their beautiful colour and unique flavour. Plant in late autumn to grow through winter, producing crops a whole...
Regular price £388 £3.88
Masterpiece Green Longpod - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Mangetout beans! An early maincrop, green seeded variety that is a winner on the show bench Pick when young for ‘mangetout’ style broad beans Sow direct 5cm deep and 10cm...
Regular price £400 £4.00
Karmazyn - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Best for exposed sites! Produces unusual carmine-pink seeds This variety does not grow too tall so is suitable for small gardens or exposed sites Sow direct 5cm deep and 10cm...
Regular price £375 £3.75
Robin Hood - Autumn or Spring Planting Broad Beans - 35 Seeds
Best for containers! A hardy variety that can be overwintered from October producing crops a whole month earlier than spring-sown varieties. It can also be sown in early spring for a...
Regular price £450 £4.50